Bryan got four more immunity shots last week. He was supposed to get all cranky with fever and all that good stuff that comes with having side affects from those shots… but nada… He slept through the night without any problems…
As he gets older, he seems to understand more about the idea of “getting shots”. Grace said he cried a hell lot more this time around. But the trieds were quickly replaced with laughters from mommy’s warm comfort.
We went to Baby’s-R-Us yesterday. Bad idea. There were so many damn people that it made me want to smack every insensitive idiot in the aisles for wanting plow his/her oversized shopping cart through all the baby-carrying parents. Idiots. I think shopping over the weekend anywhere is just a bad idea in general, especially in the malls. Just being in the vicinity of a mall makes me nervous because of all the traffic. I like people watching and everything (because people do amusing things), but the hassle of having to look for a parking spot among 50,000 shoppers is not particularly a fun experience.
Why are Americans so obssessed with battery-powered “things”? While looking for a plastic bib for Bryan, we saw this mixer for blending formula evenly with water… Um, so… what’s wrong with moving the wrists a little? What do they even want to consider buying a power mixer for baby formula!?! Mixer/blender for juice, yes. For baby formula, why? And then of course, just about every other item sold at Baby’s-R-Us requires some form of battery or electrical outlet.