One Last Doc for Canada

After three months after my Thai police certificate arrived, Grace finally got her Malaysian police certificate earlier this week.

So it took three months to get the Thais to get something done; it took six months to get the Malaysians to get exactly the same thing done. All it took was three days for the Taiwanese… What the hell is so different about processing a damn police certificate in the three countries that there’s such discrepancy in the time it takes to do the background check?

Grace said the last time she obtained a police certificate from Malaysia took only days when she was physically there. Why does it take so long for a Malaysian citizen, whom hasn’t spent the past 5 or 6 years in Malaysia, whom also obtained a police certificate once before, to get a stupid piece of paper that was issued by the Malaysian Consulate in the U.S. anyway with only three lines of sentences? Is it because she’s Chinese and not Malay (let’s face it, racism IS a problem in Malaysia where Malays run the show)? Or is it logical to say that Malaysia is a bigger country, thus it takes longer than Taiwan to do a background check? Bogus. Thailand is similar in size and population.

I can’t even begin to imagine how long it’d take a foreigner trying to obtain a police certificate from them…

Politics and I

I did a political matrix test once a few years ago on where I was politically. I think I was on the extreme side of the liberal spectrum. So I thought I’d try to find out what’s changed now. I found this The Politics Test and gave it a try.


You are a Social Liberal (70% permissive)
and an Economic Liberal (16% permissive)
You are best described as a Socialist

You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.

Some charts to go with the result.
Political Matrix result
Political Matrix result
Political Matrix result

Another test I took shows that I am a Moderate Liberal. I guess it all depended on what buttons they pushed during the questionnaire.

UPDATE 04/19/2006: I took the Moral Politics political test again, and the result this time is consistent with the fact that I am a socialist!

John Roberts Confirmation Hearings

This blog entry pretty much says it all. A commentator on NPR calls Roberts’ confirmation hearing “a virtual cure to insomnia”. In fact, Roberts’ answers are very difficult (painful, even) to listen to; he dances around the question and replies with the skills of a seasoned politician. What a nut.

Katrina Humor

Katrina Humor

左邊路人甲: “你是說照片裡的直升機不是在救水災難民?”
右邊路人乙: “你想太多了。他們正在把一個黑人居民丟回洪水裡面啦!”
(此圖隱喻著美國白宮和州政府當局對美國窮困及低收入黑人在這次災難反應緩慢的醜聞。一班人認為, 由布希白宮代表的右派體系對窮困及低收入黑人都是以睜一隻眼, 閉一隻眼的態度去處理。)

via [Mister Snitch]

New Orleans — The Untold Stories from NPR

What is America going to do without NPR?

Sitting in my car during lunch break, I was listening to This American Life, a weekly program aired every Saturday on NPR. I am glad I caught the first two acts of the program. These are the stories the American mass media never bothered to investigate and report.

The first act was about a woman’s expericne at the New Orleans Convention Center. Other than describing just how terrible the conditions were there, she also shared other stories relating to the situation. The mass media (CNN, NBC, Fox News… etc) has been reporting that some looters were gang members taking advantage of the lawlessness in New Orleans. But what the mass media failed to uncover was what really happened with the looted goods!

The woman described that the only people who were looking after the sick, elderly and women with children were none other than the gang members with guns. Those gang members organized themselves and took on responsibilities to patrol various areas of the Convention Center and made sure that people were being cared for. They looted food, water and juice for children and the elderly. They also wore yellow raincoats so that they could be easily recognized for assistance.

Sounds like they were more organized than any local or Federal law/emergency agencies. It throws a different spin on the phrase “organized crime”.

The second act of the program was about a paramedic who was in New Orleans for a convention. She told of a story of how her group of people were repeatedly lied to about the rescue buses that never showed up by different police agencies (just to get them off of their backs). Worst yet, when they tried to cross a bridge to go to a neighboring town for shelter, the Sheriff Department of that town had already set up a blockade at the bottom of the bridge to stop refugees from seeking shelter in their town.

The Sheriff told them, “I am not going to let our town turn into another Super Dome”. Translation: If you are poor or black, back off. Worst yet, the Sheriffs were pointing their guns at the people and firing warning shots in the air to fend the refugees from crossing the bridge. Later, the woman and her friends went to a different highway to setup temporary shelter. Yet another Sheriff came screaming and ordered them to get off the bridge. Shortly after, a police helicopter came and flew just low enough to the ground to make sure everything was blown away from the camp so that they couldn’t stay. WTF! Assholes. Yeah, “racism-is-not-an-issue” my ass.

All we heard from the mass media is that police were shot at. But now this gave me a different perspective as to why they were. I wonder why the mass media is not picking up stories like this. Instead, it is infacuated with the sensationalism of the politics and the material destruction of the hurricane. Isn’t journalism about investigating the truth from all perspectives?

In many ways, some police officers are really jackasses to begin with. They don’t act like the public servants they were sworn to be. They act more like bullies with a license. They are rude, mean and impolite (ones I have seen and dealt with… not to mention all the stories I have heard from friends and relatives). And oh, don’t forget that 60% of the New Orleans police force who abandoned their posts. Some servants of the public, huh?

中午下課在車上吃午餐的時候, 美國國家公共廣播電台正好在播放 “美國生活週記” 的節目。節目的第一段講到一個婦女在紐奧良會展中心所經歷的一切。最令我覺得感慨的是, 在社會秩序的大亂之下, 幫忙維持秩序的反倒不是所謂人民保姆的警察, 而是平時人人又怕又恨的流氓和小混混。這些混混團結起來輪流巡邏會展中心。掠奪回來的贓物不但不是自己留用, 反而是將所有民生用品公平分發給老人和小孩。這些都是美國媒體新聞不可能花時間和經歷來調查的故事。當地方和聯邦政府都對暴風留下後的災難不知所措的時候, 這些流氓都已義務信的做了這些政府機構該做的工作。

另一段故事是講到警察。另一個婦女和她的朋友想跨過一條連接鄰鎮的公路逃難, 但想不到連公路都還沒上就被一隊鄰鎮的警察在槍口下攔了下來。這警察的其中用意是不希望這些窮困的黑人到多數為白人的地方。後來這些人令外找了一個沒有人的公路搭棚等待救援, 但是想不到又有一堆警察用槍指著強硬他們離開。不久後來了台直升機在半空中故意把他們搭棚的用具等全部吹走以確定這些人不會逗留下來。

什麼世界嘛…. 一場大風吹走了美國掩蓋已久的種族歧視醜象。一場風把隱藏在警察內在的流氓吹翻了, 但卻也把流氓淺在的道德心吹了出來…

A Chinese Commonwealth

I stumbled onto an essay (Chinese version here) on a proposal to best mend the tension in the Taiwan Straight by Taiwan’s National Policy Foundation. The heart of the essay is a proposal made by the NPF to reunite China and Taiwan under a concept pioneered by the British Empire, a Chinese Commonwealth.

The idea is that commonwealth nations behave as independently run and governed countries. They have the rights of an autonomous nation. However, under the umbrella of the commonwealth, these nations are actually “nation states” that pledge their ultimate allegiance to one power (in the case of the British Commonwealth, the Queen). The paper argues that, with this arrangement, Taiwan would retain all of its autonomy while enjoying one-nation status with China. Taiwan would be free to negotiate its own treaties, appoint its own ambassadors, regulate its trade and hold elections without interference from China, just like Great Britain does not interfere with any of its commonwealth nations (Canada, Australia, Malaysia… etc).

The paper also revealed that China had already considered such possibility back in 1997 when its supreme leader, Deng Xiaoping was still alive. But Taiwan had always held the position that unless China became demarcated, reunification wouldn’t be possible. The relationship with China worsened when a pro-independence president, Chen Shui-bien was elected (twice!).

Many scholars believe that the next century is going to be the Chinese century. And the reunification of China and Taiwan is going to be a key element in strengthening that position. Personally, I think Taiwan would be silly to go it alone in the next 50 years. Its people has the insight, cultural similarity and language to play a decisive role in being an active participant of the next economic wave through the success of China.

今天在電視上看到台灣的立委雷倩到美國來訪問。她在灣區一個華人電視上談到個蠻有趣的東西, 就是 “中華國協”。其實這當中的精髓是直接向大英帝國時期沿留下的 “大英國協” 作為樣本。後來上網找了一下才發現這玩意兒是由連戰啟辦的財團法人國家政策研究基金會所發表的一篇論文。其中提到了一些兩岸統一後的假設及建議。

論文中提到如果以國協的方式統一, 台灣就可保有它現在的自主權, 甚至可以以國協的方式申請加入聯合國。國協的前提當然就是一國兩制。就像英國現在也從來不會介管加拿大, 澳洲或馬來西亞等國協聯盟的任何大小國事。雖然這些國家名義上都已是有自主權的獨立國, 他們最終效忠的還是英國的皇后。

我覺得台獨這東西太不為台灣兩千多萬的人民著想了。台獨對台灣一點好處都沒有。雖然大陸和台灣的文化和習俗上的確是入差很大, 但是回頭想想, 美國東, 中, 西岸也都有不小的差別… 更別提到北部和南部的差異了。所以以一個大國來講, 也許這是無法改變的形態。人家都說在不久的將來會是中國人的世紀。在這時候搞台獨未免也太不會挑時間了吧… 台灣在大陸有他國沒有的優勢, 包括語言, 文化, 背景等等都把台灣的人民擺在這個中國人世紀改革的最前線。如果時機錯過了, 台灣在百年後可能連在教科書上也只能當附註罷了。

Republicans and Education

New York Times reported (free registration required) the U.S. Department of Education conducted a research to see if bilingual education benefits non-English speaking children to learn English better. Unfortunately the DOE has refused to publish the findings of the data due to the political sensitivity of the issue.

The study, which has been talked about for years, is still not out. But it is known that the researchers conclude that bilingual education is helpful to those learning English. That conflicts with the views of some powerful Republicans and conservatives who view such programs as useless or downright harmful.

Wait a minute… What data does the politicians have to back up their claims? Why don’t they just leave the researchers alone and publish the data independently? This reminds me of earlier controversies on Bush Science and global climate change and how the Republican (specifically Bush) White House tempers with scientific data to suit its own political agenda. Sounds familiar? Wasn’t the Iraqi War started by such information manipulation?

President Clinton faced impeachment hearings over a personal matter. How come the Democrats are sitting on their asses on the biggest con artist/liar of the American political history?

Bush may be a jackass, but the Democrats are truly cowards. They should really collect their balls strengths and look into impeaching Bush for all his wrong doings (which is clearly harming the country). And this would be the perfect time to do it since his popularity is now at its all time low. But then again, maybe they just want to get things done and not get caught up with all the sensationalism of impeaching the biggest moron of all time.

Here’s another thing, whenever there’s something to do with poor or minorities, the Republican politicians are almost always against it in modern America. How come people still keep voting for them? Does that really reflect the views of Americans as a whole? Or does this mean all those elections have been fixed? It’s f*cked up if the answer to either question is true.

Leave It to the Republicans

Four days after Katrina left a disastrous trail, Federal aid finally arrived in Louisiana and Mississippi. President Bush took a tour of the area (god knows how much trouble local officials went through to secure THAT trip) and was apparently caught with his pants down when a journalist asked him why the aid arrived so late. To that, he answered, “I am satisfied with the speed of response. But I am not satisfied with the results.” Jack ass comment.

Kanye West's surprise comments
Download the video clip (3.2MB)

Kanye West said it best regarding the media coverage:

“I hate the way they portray us in the media. If you see a black family, it says they’re looting. See a white family, it says they’re looking for food.”

That comment took Mike Myers, standing right next to him, by surprised a little. But what really shocked Myers was this one-line comment by West:

” George Bush doesn’t care about black people.”

Leave it to the Republicans to take care of crisis of any kind, man- or nature-caused. The worst crisis of both types took place under the watch of the same Republican White House. The first crisis (911) took this nation to wars despite lack of evidence (and reliable reports planning for the wars even before 911) . The second crisis, Katrina, left thousands of people dead and dying with federal help arriving too little, too late.

I am willing to bet that if exactly the same thing happened to a rich white, Republican neighborhood in Texas or Florida, federal aid would have arrived within hours. Damn it, I am sick of that jack ass in the White House.

On Hurricane Katrina

Katrina has been a mess on many different levels.

CNN (in the United States at least) has been reporting it nonstop as if there’s no other news in the world, adhering to the true CNN reporting fashion (and American mass media in general). Every single report after another has been about the aftermath and other related news of Katrina and very little of anything else (on BOTH of CNN’s channels). MSNBC and Fox News are not any better.

It’s f*cked up to see how New Orleans is literally under water, which could have been prevented had not been Bush Administration’s budget cut on flood prevention plans for the city. And like Mark said, the gas prices are now in ridiculous levels. Worst yet, some businesses are totally taking advantage of the situation with price gouging practices (six-dollar-a-gallon gas, $200-motel rooms… etc). Jack asses.

Images of people looting, dying (or just plain dead) and being homeless are disturbing (and the mass media is not shy of showing them repeatedly). To think that this level of lawlessness and the disorganization of the rescue efforts can happen in the United States is hard to stomach. The Mayor of New Orleans, Ray Nagin, was on the WWL Radio expressing his frustrations, probably the only politician who’s not afraid to question the slowness of rescue deployment to New Orleans. More and more people are beginning to wonder why rescue has been slow in coming. My humble conspiracy theory tells me that a Republican White House most likely doesn’t really give a rat’s ass to a city where majority of the population is African American.

Coming back to the gas prices, Bloomberg has reported:

Heating oil for September delivery climbed 7.64 cents, or 4.2 percent, to $1.913 a gallon. Futures surged to $2.0137, the highest in 27 years of trading on the exchange. Heating oil is 67 percent higher than a year ago.

The profit margin for turning a barrel of crude oil into heating oil and gasoline is $14.79, based on futures prices in New York. That is up 24 percent from Aug. 26 and more than double a year ago.

Hello? Higher profit margins during the time of disaster and war? By any stretch of imagination in the definition of the word “gouging”, the practice by the oil companies and refineries should easily fit within it.

UPDATE: As I was putting Bryan to bed and about to go to sleep (at 4AM!), I caught a section of a CNN anchor Soledad O’Brien grilling a FEMA official as to why people in New Orleans are dying of hunger and lack of medication several days into the disaster when victims of the Southeast Asian Tsunami received air drops of food within two days of the disaster. Kudos to Soledad for asking tough questions.

My favorite quote from that interview:

Do you look at the situation at New Orleans now and say to yourself, “I am proud of what is being done”? Or do you say to yourself, “There’s a lot of room for improvement here”?

That guy is never speaking to the press ever again.