Childly Neighbor

Ever since our neighbor turned nuts, we’ve been trying very hard to ignore her and her intentional verbal attacks, especially on Grace (and sometimes in the presence of Bryan). Today she did it again by picking a verbal fight with Grace and made a bunch of vulgar and racial slurs. Grace got fed up and called the cops on the neighbor (with the blessing from the landlord as well)*.

Being that San Jose is supposedly one of the fastest cities of its size in America, the police came swiftly to understand the situation. It appears that what the neighbor has been doing qualifies as “harassment” and has to be stopped. So they took statements from both Grace and the neighbor and made an official complaint of the incident. On a related note, one of the officers mentioned that our neighbor even made some racial comments in front of them as they were taking statements from her. That should clear any doubts whether she did any of those things had there been any disputes.

So now our neighbor’s supposed to stop talking to us or do anything that resembles any form of harassment or else the cops will have her kicked out in three days — something the landlord didn’t want to see happen but probably wouldn’t mind at this point. Our landlord dreaded on kicking a tenant out because of all the potential legal actions she could be dragged into should the tenant decide to take matters to the court. But with this latest incident, our neighbor had simply lost any and all possible legal foot to stand on.

Right now as I am writing this, our neighbor’s angrily slamming every door she can find in the apartment. In fact, she’s been doing that for the past two hours or so. We just might have to call the cops again for “disturbance”… But man, we just hate to spend tax dollars on stupid stuff like this! Our neighbor is probably in her 60s or 70s — I guess some people just never truly grew up.

* Backtracking things a little here: A couple of weeks ago, as Grace was taking Bryan to pre-school in the morning, our neighbor decided to confront Grace about why we are trying to have her kicked out… etc. She did that in a physically imposing and “threatening” way and kept following Grace to the car and even as Grace reversed the car in the drive way. We were going to call the cops then, but then we decided to call the landlord and have the landlord tell our neighbor to stop doing that.

So Full

We went out to have some In-N-Out burgers today since we hadn’t had any after I’ve gone vegetarian. I was surprised to find that they actually serve veggie burgers that taste pretty darn good!

While we were there, Bryan pretty much finished 3/4th of a berger all by himself (yes, it’s fast food, but In-N-Out is as healthy as fast food goes; and we only eat them once in a blue moon). So on the way back, just out of the blue, he blurbed out, “I am so full!”

We all just broke out laughing pretty hard.

We love it when Bryan says the most unexpected things at this least expected times. He’s one funny guy.

Web Photo Woes

I never paid much attention to how photos appear on the web until recently I’ve decided that I need to diversify my income sources by branching out into photography, which has been an old love affair of mine. Over the span of a week or so, I’ve soaked up so much information on just the idea of presentation of colors that it really sickens me how Apple’s Safari (and browsers based on its rendering engine, such as OmniWeb, Shiira among others) is the only browser that gets color renditions correctly according to the artists’ intent. Nine years after the initial dot-com boom and six years after its bust, I can’t believe only ONE technology company gets web-based photography presentation right!

Without getting into too much details, basically the chief complaint is, web browsers like Firefox or Internet Explorer are only capable of displaying a very narrow set of colors that are capable of being displayed by modern monitors. This was done in the old days to insure compatibility of color display between various makes of monitors and applications via which images were rendered. But the “old days” have long gone, and browsers are still stuck in the 1990’s.

Now I understood why my images appeared muddy on Flickr. But since there are way too many of them to fix and re-upload, I’ve gone to hell and back trying everything to make sure the richness of colors captured by my camera is properly displayed on the web. But I think I am only half way there in finding an acceptable work flow that works for me.

So anyway, this is just a rant on one of those tech things….

A Beautiful Flickr Find

Flickr, as with any publicly viewable photo services, is filled with surprises and wonderful images. A couple of days ago I was looking for inspirations on images of toddlers, I discovered Rachel Devine‘s collection of images of her daughter, Gemma. Grace and I just fell in love with Rachel’s beautiful and striking images. The downside is (what, there’s always a downside), they make my images look, well…, inadequate. I am glad I am not doing photography for a living (yet). But man, I REALLY wish I can. Come to think of it, I think I made a mistake changing my major from photography to computer art.

Gemma Jumps
© Rachel Devine

I hope Rachel doesn’t mind me “borrowing” one of her images to show case her creative talent. Rachel has a few links to her personal sites on her Flickr profile.

Saying Goodbye to My Patch of Goatee

God knows I tried. But it was time to let go.

After almost three weeks of growing the patch, I finally decided to call it quits. Some people just weren’t built for facial hair… This was actually one of my several attempts to try to grow a goatee. All previous attempts failed because it just never grew thick enough. Even after having talked to a few people who’s grown them, I still think I wasn’t getting the thickness needed to have a good patch… So here’s the final goodbye and an image for those who never saw it.

A Rare Self Portrait

Murdza in A Rare Appearance in the Bay Area

Murdza and I met up last week when he was in town for a business trip — incidentally he’s now a big shot with formal dress code and all that good stuff. It was weird to see him all dressed up having been tech geeks all our lives. But it was a nice change. We had a good chat (and a good walk up/down Fisherman’s Wharf looking for Starbucks, which we actually didn’t find, for a change for my parking meter).

Murdza Visiting

Why I May Have Taken Macs for Granted

Sometimes I wonder if life with modern computers (as in after 2005) running Windows XP and Vista has gotten better over the years. I’ve known about PC vendors including trial wares on their boxes to earn a few bucks (which to me was incredibly annoying because as a systems administrator, I had to go through each box and uninstall each one of them every single time, which is really a waste of my time). But maybe, I told myself, it’s gotten better.

Another huge problem I had when supporting Windows running on PCs was drivers — often when I reinstalled Windows on any machine, the first thing I had to do was to go to the PC vendor’s site to download drivers. That was painful sometimes because they weren’t always clear on which drivers you had to use (yeah, part numbers and version numbers are really helpful… NOT).

Today I read a funny post on the experience of dealing with a Sony Vaio. Sony’s one of the computer vendors I absolutely hate to support for the reasons explained on Steve’s blog… but that was during 2000 and 2004. I can’t believe people are still stupid enough to keep buying computing crap from Sony as if they were really superior products. “Idiots!” I say.

I’ve told quite a few people that running Windows on my Mac has been a much pleasant experience than it is on an actual PC box designed with Windows in mind. Steve’s experience pretty much reflects that of my own (as do a few dozen comments left on that entry). Too bad BioShock is probably never coming to the Mac… But it’s good to know that at least Windows boxes are good for at least something other than doorstops.

Computer Virus — It All Started on An Apple Computer

I know the old Mac OS had troubles with computer virus. But I had no idea the whole thing all started on an Apple Computer!! According to the article, the first Mac virus even predated one on a Windows OS by a whopping four years! This is further proof that Apple is always ahead of Microsoft in everything (ahem, sarcasm at work here). 😉

Further reading here.