So we said goodbye to our Nintendo Wii today. It was a surprise thank-you gift from Jason for hooking him up with a portfolio site (which ultimately got him a freelance gig which then turned into a job). We had mixed feeling having to let go of such a fun console. But we simply didn’t use it enough to justify it sitting there, collecting dust and being devalued every week. So I figured if we were going to sell it, the week before Christmas would be the best time.
I didn’t want to rip off whoever the next owner was (it’s that thing called “karma”). So I put up a fair price that basically got Jason’s money worth. And it turned out an old Japanese woman wanted it for her grandson… It was a bit hard having to explain everything, but we got through! 🙂
So now we are game-console-less again — More time with the physical puzzles for Bryan; and more time getting the LCD screen tan for me!