Ever since our neighbor turned nuts, we’ve been trying very hard to ignore her and her intentional verbal attacks, especially on Grace (and sometimes in the presence of Bryan). Today she did it again by picking a verbal fight with Grace and made a bunch of vulgar and racial slurs. Grace got fed up and called the cops on the neighbor (with the blessing from the landlord as well)*.
Being that San Jose is supposedly one of the fastest cities of its size in America, the police came swiftly to understand the situation. It appears that what the neighbor has been doing qualifies as “harassment” and has to be stopped. So they took statements from both Grace and the neighbor and made an official complaint of the incident. On a related note, one of the officers mentioned that our neighbor even made some racial comments in front of them as they were taking statements from her. That should clear any doubts whether she did any of those things had there been any disputes.
So now our neighbor’s supposed to stop talking to us or do anything that resembles any form of harassment or else the cops will have her kicked out in three days — something the landlord didn’t want to see happen but probably wouldn’t mind at this point. Our landlord dreaded on kicking a tenant out because of all the potential legal actions she could be dragged into should the tenant decide to take matters to the court. But with this latest incident, our neighbor had simply lost any and all possible legal foot to stand on.
Right now as I am writing this, our neighbor’s angrily slamming every door she can find in the apartment. In fact, she’s been doing that for the past two hours or so. We just might have to call the cops again for “disturbance”… But man, we just hate to spend tax dollars on stupid stuff like this! Our neighbor is probably in her 60s or 70s — I guess some people just never truly grew up.
* Backtracking things a little here: A couple of weeks ago, as Grace was taking Bryan to pre-school in the morning, our neighbor decided to confront Grace about why we are trying to have her kicked out… etc. She did that in a physically imposing and “threatening” way and kept following Grace to the car and even as Grace reversed the car in the drive way. We were going to call the cops then, but then we decided to call the landlord and have the landlord tell our neighbor to stop doing that.