Pizzas and Games

It’s bee a few months since we last visited Jason and Alicia at their place. They made pretty mean vegetarian pizzas which Grace has been craving for. So Grace was pretty happy she got to eat them again.

Bryan scared their cats when he started crawling around and looking for them. The funny thing was, when he finally ran out of juice and took a nap, the cats started coming out again. I guess pets and young toddlers don’t mingle well. Even our cats run when they see Bryan come crawling… Don’t blame them though…

The 2nd highlight for the day was playing Jason’s Nintendo Wii. Grace and I are not what you’d called the “game types”. But we really enjoyed the “default” game that came shipped with the Wii. After a round of golf, bowling, tennis and baseball (the only game I kicked Jason’s ass on), my right arm is sored the whole day. It must be that damn tennis game.