Drawn Blood

Bryan went in for a scheduled check up last week. As part of the routine, the doctor wrote him up to get a blood sample to run some tests.

Bryan's arm after blood was drawn

According to Grace, Bryan cried REALLY hard as the nurse was looking for his vain to poke a hole in for the blood sample. Nearby toddlers cried their lungs out as they got their blood drawn… I don’t know how I ever got through childhood having to visit the doctors so many times with so many damn shots… I wonder when painless shots will arrive given how medicine has gone through miracle phases in the past century…

Bryan cried so hard on the way home that he fell asleep. But then when he woke up, he picked up right where he left off and started crying as if someone turned his “crying mode” back to “ON” again… Poor baby… but it was a pretty damn funny scene.