
An old lady moved in next door after the previous neighbor moved out three months ago. She’s into rescuing cats and all that good stuff. She’s managed to catch two cats and got them “fixed” since she moved here. We wish we’d known that Palo Alto Animal Services can do a relatively cheap “catch and release” program without putting the animals down. After our last experience with the San Jose animal shelter, we decided not to do the animals any favors… But what Palo Alto is doing seems like a pretty good idea…

So anyway… back to the neighbor… She has decided to move out of the neighborhood despite having only lived in her new apartment for only about a month. She thought the neighborhood is not up to her standards because we have a few Hispanic neighbors who like to play their music a little loud. Within days of moving in, she’d already verbally exchanged “kind words” with them about their music (which never really bothered us). This reminds me of an NPR (more like “This American Life” ) episode with Mr. Rogers. The segment had a scenario exactly like this — dealing with loud neighbors. When people know each other, what someone else does doesn’t really bother one another quite as much. But when nobody knows each other, friction seems to get picked up a lot more quickly.

I guess we’ll be welcoming a new neighbor soon.