Zagat of the Bay Area

Sometimes I wish there was a Zagat for absolutely everything and for everywhere. Zagat was great for New York when we didn’t know what the hell to eat because there were so many damn choices. If we ate at a different restaurant for each meal, I am sure it’d take Grace and I a long long time to really completely try just 60% of all the restaurants in NYC. Unfortunately, that’s the opposite for the Bay Area (or, at least for the South Bay where absolutely nothing happens). Everything is so far apart from each other here that it’s very hard to discover new “hole in the wall” places. I mean, it’s not like in NYC where you walk by somewhere and go, “WOW, I have walked by this corner of my daily routine a thousand times but never saw this place!”

Luckily, there’s Jason and Terry’s Bay Area Review (or for short) for this activity starving place. I look forward to actually using this site once in a while before Grace and I dare each other to eat at the same places again!

As of today, there are 600 some odd restaurants reviewed and listed on the site. That’s like… one-tenth of a thousandth of restaurants in Brooklyn Heights where we used to live! WOW! Sweet! Choice has become an exciting option again… Or is that an oxymoron?

Aw, shoot… Did I mention I miss that stinkin’ New York City?