Panhandle This Attitude

I drove out to grab a quick bite when a mid-age lady walked up to me and asked if I could spare some bucks. I politely explained that I was laid off sometime ago and am struggling with money myself.

Her glance snared at my 10-year-old car and replied sarcastically: “At least you have a better life; I wish I had a car.”

WTF! Why do some of those panhandlers think the world owes them everything? U.S. still has better social services than a good majority of developing countries. Why don’t they take advantage of that? And for those who do, some of them just leech off of the system for whatever it’s worth.


I guess a government can do all kinds of social reforms and provide every possible safety net to catch those who happen to fall in the gaps (kind of like us). But there’s just no way to treat a social disease like something I experienced today. But then again, who am I to blame the system? I am not the one in her shoes.