There’s been a lot of improvements in the U.S. to make things easier for people with physical disabilities. I wonder if that qualifies infants since they, too, can’t really help themselves to do a lot of things we adults take for granted.
The simplest example I can think of is utilities in the bathroom. We have taken Bryan out a few times, and when it came to changing diapers, there’s been NO diaper changing stations in all of the places we have taken Bryan to so far. These places include two popular restaurants and a four star expensive hotel. What’s wrong with the facility owners? Don’t they have kids?
Thanks to a new proposal in San Francisco, things may soon change. The new law, if passed, would require new buildings over a certain size (or renovations that go over a certain budget) to install baby diaper changing stations. The ironic thing about that is, the proposal only came after the city supervisor had trouble finding places equipped with such utility for his own kids.
Don’t you just love it when laws are made to accommodate certain policy maker’s own experience in life? Fortunately sometimes these policies actually benefit the general public at large.