I went back to SCAD‘s website for some information on the new quarter, I noticed a catchy phrase on its newly designed home page:
Kaplan/Newsweek names Savannah College of Art and Design “Hottest for Studying Art” among “America’s 25 Hottest Colleges”.
Sure enough, a quick surf to MSNBC’s site turned up this page which puts SCAD among its top 25 picks for various fields of study. Unfortunately, Visual Effects Department (formerly part of the Computer Art Department) got all the attention again, as if that’s the only major SCAD is capable of producing talented students from.
I give credit to former Computer Art administrators and professors for doing so much for students in a competitive industry like film and visual effects in marketing and promotion of the department, but I’d like to see more from other departments to step up their plates and promote their majors like Visual Effects Department did. I mean, com’on, Prof. Tom Fischer in the Photography Department was a student of Ansel Adams, how come they don’t publicize more of that?
All in all, SCAD is a wonderful school (despite its politics with faculty and students) to study technology-related arts and crafts. Kudos to a job well done.
But I miss former President Richard Rowan still (founder and ex-husband of the current president). He’s so cool that students didn’t need to make any appointment to talk to him; walk-ins were welcomed. No matter how busy he was, he always stopped and talked to students about their days. This is definitely not something you can do with Paula. After Richard left, I noticed that almost every single department required an appointment to speak to anyone on almost anything.
So long small-town SCAD. Hello “University for the Arts” SCAD.