Flying Crap

This entry is a little disgusting. So consider yourself warned before reading on.

After my last post about Bryan’s crazy pees, there’s been a new experience since. A couple of days ago, Bryan complained about a diaper change while he was half way through with the bottle (he kicked while sucking on the bottle).

If it were me, I’d want to enjoy my bottle of milk with a clean diaper too. So I decided to change his diaper. That’s when the shit hit the fan…

A medium size poop already made its way in the diaper when I opened it. So I proceeded with my routine butt-wiping diaper change. But as soon as I wiped his butt clean, Bryan started to make this funny face…

It takes a short moment to properly interpret the expression… And then OH SHIT!!

Before I open the soiled diaper to catch it, a yellow tube of poop (about 3 cm in diameter and 8 cm long) flew right out of his butt in an arch, passing over my hand and landed on the changing pad. OH MY GOD. I have never seen flying poops before… not to mention having one landed right in front of my face. Thank god it didn’t stink.

To make matters worse, before I could figure out exactly what to do with his warm and soft poop, he started peeing all over the place.

Bryan smiled with a sign of relief. I laughed.

And then just yesterday after we brought Bryan home from the doctor’s, he started another episode of his crazy pees, except this time, it was literally all over the room, even in Grace’s hair (right after she’d showed and dried it, hah hah).

We both laughed so hard till our stomaches ached. I wonder if we’ll still laugh the 5th time it happens…