I was reading an article about biodegradable diapers and bumped into this site: Treehugger. And from there, I saw this eco-friendly online store: Vivavi, and this eco-friendly design school, Ecosa Institute.
There seems to be an increasing number of environmentally conscious population in the United States, especially here in California. When I was back in New York, terms like “organic”, “environmental” and “vegetarian” are associated with Yuppies from the Upper Westside of the town.
In the Bay Area, Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods are pretty busy places. Steve Jobs is known to frequent Whole Foods since it’s only blocks from Apple’s main campus.
This reminds me of the notion of a “sustainable” business with minimal footprints mentioned by Ray Anderson (his info here and here) in the DVD The Corporation. If CEOs of Fortune 500 companies can think the way he does, the world would be a far better place. It’s rare to see a business with some conscience. Most others do it because of pressure from their customers or regulatory constrains (ahem-GE-ahem). But whatever it takes, it’s a popular thing to do now. So everyone’s doing it.
Since I started talking about diapers, here’s a company a former kozmo.com employee founded in NYC to deliver diapers (and some other stuff) — MaxDelivery.